Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What do you know about...before we begin our readings, I want you to ask yourselves 2 questions. What is one thing I know about the Holocaust? What is the typical winter weather in Russia?


  1. What i know about the weather in Russia in winter is that it can get well below zero depending on where you are. Also that there is usually a lot of snow at some point, and that if a person or animal doesn't have a warm place to go to then it will probably freeze to death.
    Melina Palmieri

  2. 1 thing I know about the Holocaust is that a German
    called Hitler was trying to wipe out the Jews, he wanted to do this because he thought the Germans were the superior people.
    Melina Palmieri

  3. Thank you Melina. I am looking forward to chatting in class tomorrow and I am hoping you will share with the class.

  4. The Holocaust represents a time in history when the leader of Germany, Adolf Hilter, began World War II. Millions of Jewish people were placed in concentration camps and killed.

    Typical weather in Russia during the long winter months include freezing temperatures and varying amounts of snowfall depending on location. Siberia is known for it's subartic extreme climate and the temperture can drop to as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

  5. The Holocaust represents a time in History when the leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler, began World War II. Millions of Jewish people were place in concentration camps and killed.

    Typical weather in Russia during the long winter months include freezing temperatures and varying amounts of snowfall depedning on location. Siberia is known for it's subartic climate and the temperature can drop to as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit.
    Talia Zuena

  6. One thing I know about the Holocaust is that during this time a German named Hitler decided to kill all of the Jews because he thought only the Germans were superior people.
    Caroline Russell

    the winter season in Russia is very cold and mostly below the temperature of zero depending on the area you are in. Also, there is usually snow on the ground during the whole winter season.
    Caroline Russell

  7. One thing i know about the holocaust is that there were places called concentration camps were they kept a lot of the jews.

    What i know about Russias average weather is that it can go below zero if you are in certain parts of Russia

  8. what i know about the Holocaust is that there were concentration camps were they kept all the jews.

    What i know about the Averge weather for Russia is that it will go below zero in certain areas.

  9. What i know about Russian weather is that it can get well below zero.
    Devin Hassett

  10. The Holocaust was when millions of Jews and many other people died from Hitler, and the Nazis.
    The typical winter temperature in Russia is usually below freezing, and they recieve a lot of snow.
