Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Author's thoughts

 the significance  of Anton Chekov's  choice for setting for this story...respond w/ your thoughts


  1. i have no idea
    -Anthony Barone

  2. Nicholas D

    I think Anton Chekov chose this setting because it was back then and there weren't the best doctors around. Also because it was winter and they have cold long winters so that could be why he chose that setting

  3. Jason Cambra. ELA Blue 7, 12/5/12
    I think Anton's choice for writing this was to teach the reader a lesson. You will never know what a person is going through. You should never make fun of someone too, for talking about it the might feel really depressed. This is a sad story to tell you not to make fun of someone. I know I will follow this.

  4. Ant Chekov's choice for setting this story is very important. It lets the reader know what is going on. It also gives you an understanding of the story.

  5. I think the author chose this setting so that he could make it snow out and to make the story setting more interesting.

  6. The setting showed what Iona might have been feeling inside

    Z knight

  7. 1. I think the author used the setting he used for this book because it seemed gloomy and sad. The setting seemed to be a not so nice place. It went along with how the driver was treated and how he felt. He felt sad because his son had just died that week.hefelt very gloomy. Then the officer and the three men were very rude and insulting to him by calling him names. This made him feel even worse. That is why I think the author chose this setting for this book.

    2.a) This tells me that Iona was in his own world and he was aware of his surroundings. He was like that because his son had just died.
    B) After the officer got in the cab Iona drove so poorly because he is in a lot of pain. Iona also hadn't moved in a long time.
    C) Iona's passengers treated him badly because he was driving poorly. Iona was also acting very funky. He seemed like he was drunk when he never was.
    D) Iona and his horse are similar. They are similar because they were both very stiff and would not move. They also were coated with snow and would not move even if a snow drift were to fall on both of them.
    E) The message that heartache conveys is that you shouldn't care what people say to you if there being jerks. The officer and three men were very rude to Iona. He did not react to it and pretended they were not there.
    Bailey Whittaker

  8. I think the author chose this as the settings because it was during a busy time and in the middle of when people were traveling other places so no one really listened to anybody because there were in a rush. Iona's brother and wife died and he tried talking to people but no one listened to him because everyone was in a rush and in this setting everyone was in a rush to travel to different places. this is why I think the author used this as the setting
    Logan Pacheco

  9. The significance in the choose of the setting is that this time in Russia was rough with little hope. This is like how Iona had lost his son and wants to tell someone or even something about the death of his son.In the end Iona tells a horse about the story of his son.

  10. I think that the author chose this setting for the story because it really contributes to it a lot. It gives readers a better picture in their head, like it did for me. I think that Anton Chevok did a very good job while choosing a setting. Also, many people have some prior knowledge about Russia so they can relate that to the story. As you can see, that's why I think Anton Chevok's setting for the story was very sinifigant.

  11. I think that Anton Chekov choosed this setting for the story because i think the characters fit in better if it was in the old days. because of their personalities, and i think he choosed this setting because of how he started the beggening.

  12. I think that the author wrote this to entertain readers with a story about a man who is a cabby and his son dies. He also could have wrote it to tell readers what he went through when his son died. (If his son died)

  13. Anton Chekov's choice for setting the story may have been because it could show how in that time many people were very busy and that he may had a family that lived mistletoe in Russia.

  14. samantha mastrait : DDecember 5, 2012 at 4:45 PM

    Anton Chevock's choice for the setting of the story was in winter in russia at the evening. It was cold, dark, and sort of depressing apposed to a warm spring day. The author might have chose this setting to set a depressing, and sad mood. With this setting it exaggerates the events in the story, such as iona losing his son.
    Samantha m :D :P green :) ;)

  15. His setting for the story is winter time in russia early 1900 because there were no cars and the winter was setting set a gloomy effect of a sad story about man losing his wife and son.


  16. i think that the author chose the setting because it showed how the people talked to him back then. i believe that now adays people would be nicer to him and acknowledge what he had to say and understand how he feels about his sons death.

  17. The author choose an old times setting because Iona was depressed and he would have to wait alone in the carrage until some one needed a ride when he didn't want to be alone he wanted to express his feelings to a person so that they would help him with his depression or " heart ache" and that is why the setting is ssignificant to the story . - Lia R.

  18. i think that Anton Chekhov chose this setting for his story because it was the setting that related to it the most. life in russia back then was a very harsh. also, it lacked proper care for those in need. (for instance, iona was unsure about how his son died, and said that anything could have caused the sudden death.) also, the setting for the story was a good choice because it made you understand why iona was treated the way he was. (for example, iona was being "ignored" because everyone was caugt up in their own little world. they were only worried about what they were doing and where they had to be. no one really wanted to listen to iona's heatfache about the loss of his son.)

  19. I think that Anton Chekov chose the setting for Heartache because it emphasizes Iona's feelings. Iona was depressed over the loss of his son. Inside, he felt lonely. The cold and snowy setting of Russia, though filled with people, could seem barren and desolate coated in white. When the story begins, Iona and his horse are sitting still, let the snow settle upon them. They aren't caring about the world around them. It seems as if Iona is frozen by sadness. Winter itself can seem gloomy, and cause people to become gloomy.

  20. i think Anton Chekov's choice was to tell people to not be mean to anyone because you dont know what they are going through.

  21. I think Anton Chekov's choice of setting for this story fit into Iona's emotions perfectly. Eveything seemed sad and gloomy during this time in Russia. The snow was falling, it was cold, and dark. As the story continued, Iona was depressed because his son died that week. He tried to express his feelings to his passengers however, they really didn't care. The officer and the three men were really offending Iona by not even paying attention to anything he said. He finally found his place tho let his emotions free, in the stable wih his horse. The cold and dark setting of Russia fit with the sad and gloomy plot of the story perfectly.
    ~Heather DiFazio Green 12/5/12

  22. I think Anton Chekov chose this setting for his story becasue Iona is feeling alone and has deep sadness because his son had recently died. The weather was so bleak and cold that in a sense it reflected how Iona really felt on the inside. The whether and setting, a small town, also helped to set the mood of the story of how everything is sad lonely and that some people are harsh. Therefore this setting helped to put the story together and also it helped to keep the theme alive.

  23. I think Anton Chekov chose this setting for the story because it it relates to how Iona felt in the story. The setting was depressing but not all the time. Iona was depressed in the story because his son had just died and he wanted to talk to someone about it. But in the end he found a way to talk about it. He talked about it with his horse.

  24. I think Anton Chekhov chose this setting for his story because the snowy, cloudy weather set the sad mood for the story. The weather helps set the scene and helps the reader picture the story in their mind. I also think that Anton Chekhov sets the story in Russia because it is very busy there. This shows how many people and passengers there were that could listen to Iona's story, but how nobody did. The setting makes Iona's story much more sad, and makes "Heartache" a more interesting story.

    -Erin Dillon :)

  25. i think the author chose this setting because he wanted you to see what it was back then. Also to show how cruel people can be even if you are in a sad and stressful situation. Plus, how a man in the situation of when his son dies before he does and what he went through feeling lonely and depressed
    Melina 6 green

  26. Anton Chexov probably put the setting in the an older city in the winter because it would help match the sad feeling he had inside that he was trying to tell his passengers, even though none of them wanted to hear. Also, I think he put his setting there because if not it wouldn't have made sence that he was in a city talking to a horse. Nick D.
